Social and Affordable Housing Investment Tool
The purpose of the SAHI Webtool is to support the development of rigorous, evidence-based business cases to better justify investment in social and affordable housing in Australia. The value of this tool is in its expansive approach, with outcomes and indicators included across twelve domains. With over 240 indicators (both quantitative and qualitative), the tool addresses the complexity of defining the benefits of providing safe and secure housing. Data shortfalls hinder the ability of the tool to quantify many of the intrinsic benefits of housing however, despite this limitation, the SAHI Webtool provides an aspirational guidepost to future data gathering and use.
For more information go to https://sbenrc.com.au/research-programs/1-81/.
This research has been developed by Australia's Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre (SBEnrc). The SBEnrc develops projects informed by industry partner needs, secures national funding, project manages the collaborative research and oversees research into practice initiatives. Current Core Members of the SBEnrc include ATCO Australia, BGC Australia, Government of Western Australia, Queensland Government, Curtin University, Griffith University, Western Sydney University and RMIT University. The industry-driven research outlined in this publication would not have been possible without the valuable support of our core industry, government and research partners.
This webtool was developed with the support of the New South Wales Department of Communites and Justice.
SBEnrc Core Members (2022)

Research Team Members
- Sacha Reid, Griffith University
- Judy Kraatz, Griffith University
- Savindi Caldera, Griffith University
- Francesco Mancini, Curtin University
- Amity Reid, Curtin University
- Francesca Perugia, Curtin University
- Tanja Glusac, Curtin University
Webtool Development Team Members
- Toshimitsu Ota, Griffith University
- Kris Jayalath, Griffith University
- Dejan Stantic, Griffith University